What’s The Difference Between Digital Advertising And Digital Marketing?

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It may seem like digital marketing and digital advertising are basically the same thing, but they are not. Digital advertising is a facet of digital marketing. 

While both strategies can help your business sell more products and services, being able to know the difference will help you build better sales goals for your business.

Here are the differences between digital marketing and digital advertising:

What's Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing in short is all about the action of promoting products or services online through mobile and digital devices in order to attract customers to buy. Digital advertising can help with that, but it is only a piece of the puzzle.

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Digital marketing helps spread your company’s message and brand more effectively than digital advertising. Digital marketing helps businesses get found on the internet through different channels and sources.

Almost all businesses need some sort of digital marketing in order to gain more leads and customers.

What's Digital Advertising?

Digital advertising is short means to promote a product or service through a paid media channel. Some of these paid media channels include Google, Facebook, Instagram, Bing, and YouTube.

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Although most people believe that digital marketing and digital advertising are the same, digital advertising differs than regular digital marketing in that advertising is used through a paid media source. 

Advertisements are usually brief and help bring a message to people to buy your product or service in a short time frame.

Misconceptions of Digital Advertising

Our team at BizcaBOOM where we specialize in web design and digital marketing, are usually asked this same question about digital advertising:

Can I get instant results with digital advertising?

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In short, yes, you can get some results with digital advertising depending on what your marketing goals are.

In most cases, digital advertising can be very good in bringing in leads almost the next day, BUT there is a catch to this.

Digital advertising is not a good long term strategy for bringing in good leads on a continuous basis. A good digital marketing marketing strategy may very much include digital advertising, but in order to gain the most recognition for your brand, content marketing and engaging with your customers is ultimately better in the long run.


Similarities Between the Two:

Effective digital marketing requires a lot of research and testing, while digital advertising may not require as much research or thought as you are promoting your product or service on a paid media source.

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Digital marketing and advertising work together to accomplish the goal of getting people to want to buy from your brand. They both work together to make a company that is well known within the target audience.

In order to stand out from all of the noise the competition is making, it is imperative to create a digital marketing strategy that will make your business stand out from the rest of the crowd, which is vital to making an extraordinary amount of sales.

Digital Marketing Is Much More Effective

Since digital advertising is only a small piece of the digital marketing pie, it’s important to look at the bigger picture which is digital marketing.

As the world is coming more digital in these uncertain times, digital marketing can make or break your business. 

Although digital advertising can spur up some business in the short run, you need to come up with a long term digital marketing strategy in order for your business to not only survive but thrive!

Now that you learned the differences between digital advertising and digital marketing, why not share this post with your friends? 

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